Complementary Organs

Steering Committee

The membership of the Steering Committee shall be determined by the House at a Plenary Meeting at the inception of its term of office. The number of Steering Committee Members shall not exceed one-tenth of the total Members as determined by the Plenary Meeting in proportion to the number of the Members of the respective Factions.


The Steering Committee shall have the tasks to: determine the agenda of the House for 1 (one) Session Year, 1 (one) Session Period, or part of one Session Period and the time estimate of the Decision upon an issue, as well as the completion period of a hill, without prejudice to the right of the plenary meeting to amend it and determine the methods to deal with a bill or the performance of any other House tasks by a complementary organ of the House ; and further deal with any matters which the Plenary Meeting refer to the Steering Committee.