Political Parties Endorse Views on Bills

02-04-2020 / PARIPURNA

The second Plenary Session of the Indonesian House in the Third Sitting Period of the 2019-2020 Legislative Session, which was chaired by Deputy Speaker of the House, H.E. Mr Azis Syamsuddin, discussed 7 agendas. The first agenda, in the remotely-organized session, was scheduled for political party’s deliberation of some bills. Syamsuddin, who was accompanied by another Deputy Speaker, H.E. Mr. Rachmat Gobel, confirmed that the Plenary Session was attended by 31 MPs who joined the session in person, and 278 MPs, who joined it remotely, so the quorum was present.


“We have held the Consultation Session in lieu of the Steering Committee Session, in which heads of political party groups have discussed and agreed on some issues, such as Bill on the Revision of the Constitutional Court Law and Bill on the Revision of the Civil Service Law, followed by conclusion into parliament-initiated bills,” said Syamsuddin during the Plenary Session held in Nusantara Building, Parliamentary Compound, Jakarta, Thursday (2/4/20).


Syamsuddin further added that the Plenary also held a session for political party views on the Draft Regulation of the Indonesian House on the Rules of Procedures of the Indonesian House on Law-Making Procedures, which include procedures on the organization of remote House sessions for bill deliberations. 


The Plenary Session of the Indonesian House continued with submission of political party’s approval on the follow up of the Correctional Service Bill and the Criminal Code Bill. The last agenda was reserved for political party’s preceding views on the postponement of Hearing of the Macroeconomic Framework and the Principles of Fiscal Policies Frameworks on the 2021 Draft State Budget, from May 20th to May 12th, 2020. 


“The Consultation Sessions, which were held on March 27th and April 1st, concluded with a recommendation for the Plenary Session to approve the Presidential Letter (Surpres)/R06 dated February 7th and the Job Creation Bill, previously discussed in the Consultation Session in lieu of the Steering Committee Session on April 1st, 2020, as well as other agreed-upon discussions to be passed on to the Legislative Committee,” Syamsuddin added. 


In the Pleanry Session, the Golkar Party politician also stated that he has received the Presidential Letter on the Governement Regulation in lieu of Law (Perppu) Number 1 of 2020. The session, however, decided that the letter would be addressed in the next Plenary Session. 


“We will take all your suggestions into our consideration. I would also call upon all the heads of political party groups to assign their best representatives to join relevant committees in the deliberations of bills, government regulations in lieu of law, and so on,” said Syamsuddin closing his remarks. (alw/sf) 

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