Public Dissemination Needed for Standard Covid-19 Funeral Procedures

08-04-2020 / PIMPINAN

House Speaker, Dr. (H.C.) Puan, Maharani has called on the Ministry of Health, Regional Governments (Pemda), and Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) as well as public figures to provide citizens with information dissemination on standard operating procedure and health protocols for burial of Covid-19-related deaths.


“Such accurate information is needed so as not to cause anxiety and fear to citizens amid concern over transmission of the disease through dead body buried near their residences.” Maharani told Parlementaria during a press briefing on Wednesday (8/4/2020), responding to rejections of burial of dead body with Covid 19 in some regions in Indonesia lately.


The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) politician went on saying that the information should be disseminated in the simplest way possible so those who live in cities or rural areas will be able to understand the message easily. People therefore can really understand and believe that nothing to worry about as the burial of bodies with Covid-19 is carried out under health protocol procedure.


Maharani also urged residents not to reject burial of a body with Covid-19 bearing in mind the burial had followed health protocol procedures and that the body should be buried immediately. “In facing hard times like this, we have to foster harmony and the spirit of gotong-royong (mutual cooperation) that have been the typical characteristic of Indonesia,” said the legislator from Central Java V constituency. (pun/es) 

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