House Discusses Defense and Immigration Cooperation with Ukrainian Parliament

04-11-2020 / PIMPINAN

House Vice Speaker Azis Syamsuddin (third from the left) poses with Deputy Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Olena Kondratiuk and Indonesian MPs in a bilateral visit to the Parliament of Ukraine. (Photo: Ist/Man)


Vice Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Azis Syamsuddin stated that the Indonesian House and the Ukrainian Parliament (Verkhovna Rada) have agreed to strengthen bilateral cooperation, especially in defense and immigration. Both issues were brought up by the Indonesian House’s delegation in a bilateral visit to Ukraine as a reciprocal visit of Ukrainian Parliament to Indonesia.


The Indonesian delegation, consisting of Chairperson of Commission I of the House, Meutya Viada Hafid; Vice Chairperson of Commission VIII of the House, Ace Hasan Syadzily; Vice Chairperson of Commission X of the House, Hetifah Sjaifudian; Members of Commission I, Bobby Adhityo Rizaldi; Commission XI, Putri Anetta Komaruddin, and Commission XI of the House, Mukhamad Misbakhun, was received by the Deputy Chairperson of Verkhovna Rada, Olena Kondratiuk.


In the meetings with the Deputy Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada and the Ukraine-Indonesia Friendship Group, both Parliaments emphasized the importance of promoting cooperation in various fields. Syamsuddin also touched upon the issue of immigration. He asked the Ukrainian government through the Deputy Chairperson to work towards visa waiver agreement for Indonesian nationals.


“Indonesia and Ukraine have good bilateral relations in several fields such as in defense and economic cooperation. Despite good cooperation in defense, both countries need to enhance cooperation in this sector. In the economy, the two countries need to resolve their trade deficit issue immediately. As Indonesia has granted visa waiver to Ukrainians, it is hoped that the same policy will also apply to Indonesians wishing to enter Ukraine,” said Syamsuddin. “Those are the key issues that we discussed intensively during the meeting with the Ukrainian Parliament,” stated the politician from Golkar Party.


Syamsuddin also praised the elections for regional heads in Ukraine. He considered the elections in Ukraine was successful, even though they were held amid COVID-19 pandemic. “the Ukrainian Government has succeeded in running simultaneous elections for regional heads in 22 oblasts (provinces) amid COVID-19 pandemic. It was such a remarkable success, and it gives the optimism for Indonesia to run its simultaneous elections for regional heads in December,” stated Syamsuddin.


The Vice-Speaker of the House for Politics and Security said that the Ukrainian Parliament warmly welcomed the visit of the Indonesian House delegation. The parliament considered the Indonesian House a strategic partner in several fields. “The visit of the Indonesian House to Ukraine builds up considerable momentum in the promotion of cooperation amid the global geopolitical uncertainty. Both countries have a similar vision for peace and similar economic challenges,” said Syamsuddin.

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