Joint Commitment Needed to Achieve Prolegnas Agenda amid Pandemic
The Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. (H.C.) Puan Maharani said that in carrying out legislation function amid the COVID-19 pandemic, joint commitment is required between the Indonesian House and the government to achieve the National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) agenda. As the House resumes its Session Period IV of 2019-2020 Session Year amid the COVID-19 pandemic, meetings in the House are still held by applying health protocols.
“Despite the pandemic, forcing all meetings to be held in adherence to health protocol for COVID-19, the House and the government make their high commitment to produce legal products in accordance with the provisions of law making.” explained Maharani in her Opening Speech of Session Period IV of 2019-2020 Session Year in the Plenary Session in Nusantara Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday (15/6/2020). Eighty two MPs attended the session physically and 227 MPs attended virtually.
In carrying out the legislation function, a number of bills are high on the agenda for deliberation in the House. Bills included in the First Stage of deliberation are Bill on Regional Islands, Bill on Personal Data Protection, Bill on Job Creation (Omnibus Law), and Bill on the Establishment of the Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) Number 2 of 2020 on the Third Amendment on Law Number 1 of 2015 on the Stipulation of Perppu Number 1 of 2014 on the Election of Governor, Head of District, and Mayor.
“The Perppu is deemed important for the House to immediately respond because it is the legal basis to hold elections of Regional and Deputy Heads (Pilkada) in December 2020. Meanwhile, in carrying out the House’s budget function in the current session period, the House and the government will deliberate the Macroeconomic Projection and Draft Fiscal Policy (KEM-PPKF) of 2021.” Maharani said.
The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle politician went on saying that the 2021 State Budget should be designed to be a fiscal policy stimulus in accelerating economic and social recovery and become a momentum to carry out policy reforms in development to enable Indonesia to swiftly make progress in various sectors.
“It is understandable that it is hard to design the 2021 State Budget where uncertainty still prevails as a result of COVID-19 pandemic. A deep sense of anticipation is needed on fiscal policies in terms of state revenue, expenditure, and financing. Therefore, the 2021 KEM-PPKF has also anticipated the risks of uncertainty in the development of COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts,” explained Maharani.
In deliberating the KEM-PPKF, the House will pay close attention and ensure that the 2021 fiscal policy will be more effective for the national development and people’s welfare and make progress in various sectors. Maharani added that the Parliament also appreciates the works of all components of the nation among others are central government and local governments, and all elements of society in dealing with COVID-19 pandemic through mutual assistance (gotong royong).
“It is the spirit of gotong royong that has made us survive the pandemic to date and it will remain to be our foundation to brace for the transition to the new normal phase.” concluded the 2014-2019 Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.